Книги #Statues

14 книг
Charles Victoria

Different eras and civilisations have treated erotic images with varying acceptance and different concepts of erotica and these tendencies are reflected within the works themselves. From ancient...

Delafosse Maurice

African Art invites you to explore the dynamic origins of the vast artistic expressions arising from the exotic and mystifying African continent. Since the discovery of African art at the end of the...

Jean-Francois Hubert

From 12 October 2005 to 9 January 2006, the Musee Guimet in Paris will play host to an exceptional exhibition: ‘Treasures of Vietnamese Art… Champa Sculpture’. This show will bring together for the...

Von Mach Edmund

Greek Sculpture is probably the most well known aspect of Greek art, for a contemporary it expresses the most beautiful ideal and plastic perfection. It is the first of the Ancient Arts that looked...

James Smalls

This book is not a panegyric of homosexuality. It is a scientific study led by Professor James Smalls who teaches art history in the prestigious University of Maryland, Baltimore. Abandoning all...

Delafosse Maurice

Les Arts de l'Afrique noire vous invite à explorer les origines dynamiques de l'étendue des expressions artistiques de l'exotique et intrigant continent africain. Depuis la découverte de Les Arts de...

Vincent Arthur Smith

Terre ancestrale, l'Inde possède une tradition artistique variée : son architecture, sa peinture, sa sculpture, sa calligraphie, ses mosaïques sont autant de médias artistiques qui soulignent la...

Marie-Josephe Bossan

Qu’y-a-t-il de plus banal qu’une paire de chaussures ? Pourtant, aujourd’hui encore, la moitié de l’humanité n’en connaît pas l’usage. Dans un monde où la chaussure est devenue un objet de...

Delafosse Maurice

Die Kunst Afrikas lädt dazu ein, den dynamischen Ursprüngen der Vielzahl künstlerischer Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten auf den Grund zu gehen, die von diesem exotisch mystischen Kontinent ausgehen. Seit die...

Jean-Francois Hubert

Vom 12. Oktober 2005 bis zum 9. Januar 2006 wird im Musée Guimet in Paris eine außergewöhnliche Ausstellung mit dem Titel „Kunstschätze aus Vietnam… Die Champa-Skulptur“ stattfinden. Dieses Ereignis...

Arturo Graf

„Der Teufel hält die Fäden, die uns bewegen!“ (Charles Baudelaire, Die Blumen des Bösen, 1857.) Satan, Beelzebub, Luzifer… der Teufel hat viele Namen und Gesichter; sie alle haben Künstlern stets als...

Christopher E. M. Pearson

Since the mythical Tower of Babel, humans have continuously tried to erect monuments to match their oversized egos. With ancient ziggurats, the Taj Mahal, or the Empire State Building, man has for...

Charles Victoria

According to the predominant standards, a portrait should be a faithful representation of its model. However, this is not always the case. This gallery of 1,000 portraits illustrates how the genre...

Patrick Bade

From antiquity to the 20th century, this sculpture collection offers a truly original vision of Western art. Here are the most sensual and harmonious masterworks to the most provocative and...
