A short history of nearly everything

Жанр: Наука, № 339 в Физика

Год издания: 2004
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О книге "A short history of nearly everything"

A Short History of Nearly Everything is a general science book by Bill Bryson, which explains some areas of science in ordinary language. It was the bestselling popular science book of 2005 in the UK, selling over 300,000 copies.

A Short History deviates from Bryson's popular travel book genre, instead describing general sciences such as chemistry, paleontology, astronomy, and particle physics. In it, he explores time from the Big Bang to the discovery of quantum mechanics, via evolution and geology. Bryson tells the story of science through the stories of the people who made the discoveries, such as Edwin Hubble, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein. Bill Bryson wrote this book because he was dissatisfied with his scientific knowledge – that was, not much at all. He writes that science was a distant, unexplained subject at school. Textbooks and teachers alike did not ignite the passion for knowledge in him, mainly because they never delved in the whys, hows, and whens.

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Мнение читателей

Поначалу, как только я поняла, что книга имеет научный уклон, я слегка опасалась – все-таки я прожженный гуманитарий и страшно далекий от науки человек… Но только поначалу

:) Это и правда "Короткая история практически всего"

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