A Warrior's Passion

Жанр: Историческая литература

Издательство: HarperCollins
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О книге "A Warrior's Passion"

A Man of Power, Patience and Passion Power …When Griffydd DeLanyea departed his ship in Dunloch, he thought his stay would last no more than a fortnight.

Unbeknownst to Griffydd, Diarmad MacMurdock, the man he had come to see, was not merely interested in a trade alliance… .n Patience … Griffydd always believed that good things came to those who waited, but the Welshman had never wanted anything as badly as he wanted Diarmad's daughter Seona… .Passion … Whether in battle or in love, Griffydd preferred to guard his feelings carefully. But the day would come when Seona would be his wife.

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