Amazon Slaughter

Жанр: Боевики

Серия: Able Team
Год издания: 1983
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О книге "Amazon Slaughter"

Wei Ho was death incarnate. He could slake his thirst for blood whenever and wherever he wanted. He had chosen the hunters of his private army very carefully — they were some of the most vicious hoodlums in the world.

Now he had his own plutonium factory. And it was protected by a web of organized intrigue. Only one squad could take out Wei Ho and prevent global tragedy: Mack Bolan s Able Team!To neutralize Ho s goulish scheme, Lyons, Schwarz, and Blancanales probed to the core of the maniac s domain in South America — but all they found there were blameless native slaves. Would there be a massacre of innocents before the despots could be delivered to hell?

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