О книге "Architectural Management. International Research and Practice"
Architectural Management represents the state of the art of research and practice in the field and includes contributions from leading international figures.
The book looks back at over a decade of research into architectural management, considers the present challenges and opportunities, and looks to the future. You'll find a review of earlier work and developments as well as a focus on new research areas. The book is divided into six sections representing topical themes, each section contains two research-based chapters and one practical case study. Case studies are from six European countries – Belgium, Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, Norway, and the UK. На нашем сайте можно скачать книгу "Architectural Management. International Research and Practice" в формате pdf или читать онлайн. Здесь так же можно перед прочтением обратиться к отзывам читателей, уже знакомых с книгой, и узнать их мнение. В интернет-магазине нашего партнера вы можете купить и прочитать книгу в бумажном варианте.