Boot Scootin' Secret Baby

О книге "Boot Scootin' Secret Baby"

Bundles of JoyBULL-RIDING EX?-HUSBAND…Alyssa Cartwright was still married to the sexiest cowboy on the rodeo circuit, though Jacob «Cub» Goodacre thought she'd had their marriage annulled.

But while Cub assumed she was ending their marriage, Alyssa was giving birth to his child!MEETS THE SWEETEST LITTLE COWGIRL IN TOWN.Cub didn't know anything about being a daddy, especially not to the two-year-old beauty who'd laid claim to his oversize cowboy boots. But one smile from his newly discovered daughter was all he needed to become an instant family man. Now all he had to do was convince Alyssa that he was husband material!A dimpled, diaper-clad darling proves to be just what this couple needed!

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