О книге "Forbidden"

Dana Morgan has said to hell with security, her ex-lover and her old life. Now she's out for adventure, eager for the unpredictable and determined to prove she doesn't need a man.

Just as well, as her instincts warn her that it's dangerous to need anything at all from the ill-tempered leader of this expedition. Or his thirteen-year-old sidekick.Nick Petrie enjoys his difficult reputation. It keeps people at bay. So why isn't it working with Dana or even that young kid, Daniel, his faithful, if unwanted, assistant?While Dana tells Nick to his face that he's a «royal pain,» privately she has to admit he's the most exciting man she's ever met. Unfortunately, Nick swears tehre's no room in his life for love. And that goes double for Daniel.Dana's taking the chance that they're wrong.

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