О книге "His Wife"

The Abbots: A Dynasty in the MakingLove Is The Riskiest Business Of AllIf Sophie Foster counted her blessings, her children would top the list–except when their obsession with finding a father puts her on the spot.

Like that day two of them decide to ensnare a member of the wealthy Abbott clan who they agree would be perfect for the part–if he wasn't so addicted to danger.Sophie knows that handsome Sawyer Abbott does stunts to raise money for good causes, but bitter experience has taught her that men who live on the edge end up hurting themselves and the people who love them. The daredevil's sun-kissed hair and chiseled bronze features, however, come with the heart of a hero, and now it's her turn to learn what women in the small town of Losthampton, Long Island, have been saying about Sawyer Abbott all along…. Resistance Is Futile!

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