О книге "Mad, Bad & Dangerous"

Mad, Bad Dangerous is a stand-alone sequel to Almost Human.Baelvar is gorgeous, charming, insane, childish and mildly psychotic. He-s also mated to Kett, who-s brilliant, bitchy, violent and more than a little psychotic herself.

It-s a match made in heaven, except for one tiny detail-Kett doesn-t want to be mated to anyone.The Curse of Kett has befallen everyone she-s ever cared about, but impressing this fact upon Bael is a little difficult, what with all the terrifically explosive sex getting in the way. Oh, and the repeated attempts on Kett-s life from persons unknown are a bit distracting too.Still, if they can just stop shagging and fighting for their lives for two seconds, surely she can convince Bael they-re actually a match made in hell. Can-t she?

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