Morningstar's 30-Minute Money Solutions. A Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Your Finances

О книге "Morningstar's 30-Minute Money Solutions. A Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Your Finances"

The quick and easy way to manage money and achieve financial goals The recent economic meltdown has left people in terrible financial shape with little idea of how to turn things around.

Using Morningstar's time-tested strategies and sensible approach to money management, Morningstar's 30-Minute Money Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Your Finances breaks down important financial tasks into do-able chunks, each of which can be accomplished in 30 minutes or less. The practical, no-nonsense book Lays out the tools to get organized, including how to create a filing and bill paying system Details how to find the best uses for one's money, as well as how to properly invest for savings, college, and retirement Other titles by Benz: Morningstar® Guide to Mutual Funds: Five Star Strategies for Success These are uncertain times. Morningstar's 30-Minute Money Solutions provides expert guidance on all aspects of personal money management, and it does so in quick, easily digestible steps.

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