О книге "Needful Things"

A wonderful new store has opened in the little town of Castle Rock, Maine. Whatever your heart's secret desire - sexual pleasure, wealth, power, or even more precious things - it's for sale.

And even though every item has a nerve-shattering price, the owner is always ready to make a bargain.

In this chilling novel by one of the most potent imaginations of our time, evil is on a shopping spree and out to scare you witless.

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1993 оценки

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Мнение читателей

Хорошо, что мне пока не попадался магазин Needful Things, а то прикупила бы такую книжицу (шутка, надеюсь, что мне никогда такой магазин не встретится)

Gaunt's motto, and never mindeach according to his needs, because they were all needful things, and he had come here to fill their emptiness and end their aches.

Сюжет, хотя и описывает короткий промежуток времени, весьма динамичен

Но добрые авторы книг всегда помогают героиням (обычно они особо горделивые) таки отбросить оковы, тормозящие их на пути к светлому будущему

King was obviously enjoying detailing this book to the limit - I was not

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