O'Reilly: DNS and BIND. Third Edition, September 1998

Liu Cricket, Albitz Paul

O'Reilly: DNS and BIND. Third Edition, September 1998

О книге "O'Reilly: DNS and BIND. Third Edition, September 1998"

This book deals with the new 8.1.2 version of BIND as well as the older 4.9 versions. While 8.1.2 is the most recent version as of this writing, it hasn't made its way into many vendors' versions of UNIX yet, partly because 8.1.

2 has only recently been released, and many vendors are wary of using such new software. We will also occasionally mention other versions of BIND, especially 4.8.3, because many vendors continue to ship code based on this older software as part of their UNIX products. Whenever a feature is available only in the 4.8.3, 4.9, or 8.1.2 version, or there is a difference in the behavior of the versions, we try to point out which version does what.

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