О книге "One Day"

The episodic story takes place during a single day each year for two decades in the lives of Dex and Em.

Dexter, the louche public school boy, and Emma, the brainy Yorkshire lass, meet the day they graduate from university in 1988 and run circles around one another for the next 20 years. Dex becomes a TV presenter whose life of sex, booze, and drugs spins out of control, while Em dully slogs her way through awful jobs before becoming the author of young adult books. They each take other lovers and spouses, but they cannot really live without each other. Nicholls is a glib, clever writer, and while the formulaic feel and maudlin ending aren't ideal for a book, they'll play in the multiplex.

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А поскольку я убеждён, что книга лучше фильма, то прочесть её считаю своим долгом

Остаток книги был безбожно слит в духе книг "Помоги себе сам", "Медитация для начинающих" и христианских брошюр

“One Day” was written by David Nichols and published in 2009

Вполне вероятно, что у вас создалось впечатление беспросветности книги, это не так

Книгу прочитала два месяца назад и все думала, думала, думала

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