Prim And Improper

Жанр: Историческая литература

Издательство: HarperCollins
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О книге "Prim And Improper"

Ty Saunders Was Nothing But A Big, Brawny Reprobate – And, Oh, Lordy, How She Wanted Him!But that was impossible, Louise Livingston protested. She had her standards, after all… while he had a smile stolen from the devil himself.

Still, she'd be darned if she'd give in to temptation! There were few women in town like Louise Livingston.Heck, in this played-out mining town, there were practically no women, Ty admitted. But that didn't take away from the fact that Louise was a combustible mix of spitfire and saint. And he was just the man to start the fireworks!

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