Problem Seeking. An Architectural Programming Primer

Pena William M.

О книге "Problem Seeking. An Architectural Programming Primer"

The classic programming guide for architects and clients¿¿—fully updated and revised Architectural programming is a team effort that requires close cooperation between architects and their clients.

Problem Seeking, Fifth Edition lays out a five-step procedure that teams can follow when programming any building or series of buildings, from a small house to a hospital complex. This simple yet comprehensive process encompasses the entire range of factors that influence the design of buildings. This Fifth Edition of the only programming guide appropriate for both architect and client features new information related to BIM, integrated practice, and sustainable design when programming. Supplemented with more than 120 illustrations and diagrams updated for this edition, this indispensable resource provides revised technical information and faster, easier access to explanations, examples, and tools, including: Guidance on incorporating the latest technological tools when programming A primer on discounted cash flow analysis and net present value analysis Project statement examples organized by project phase and building type Useful techniques for data management, functional relationship analysis, and more

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