Rashomon Gate - A Mystery of Ancient Japan

Parker Ingrid J

О книге "Rashomon Gate - A Mystery of Ancient Japan"

A riveting historical mystery – the second in the Akitada series – set amid the exquisite ritual and refined treachery of eleventh century JapanFrom the author of The Dragon Scroll comes an ingenious new novel of murder and malfeasance in ancient

Japan, featuring the detective Sugawara Akitada. The son of reduced nobility forced to toil in the Ministry of Justice, Akitada is relieved when an old friend, Professor Hirata, asks him to investigate a friend's blackmail. Taking a post at the Imperial University, he is soon sidetracked from his primary case by the murder of a young girl and the mysterious disappearance of an old man – a disappearance that the Emperor himself declares a miracle. Rashomon Gate is a mystery of magnificent complexity and historical detail that will leave readers yearning for more.

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