Relational Integrative Psychotherapy. Engaging Process and Theory in Practice

Жанр: Психология

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
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О книге "Relational Integrative Psychotherapy. Engaging Process and Theory in Practice"

Designed specifically for the needs of trainees and newly-qualified therapists, Relational Integrative Psychotherapy outlines a form of therapy that prioritizes the client and allows for diverse techniques to be integrated within a strong

therapeutic relationship. Provides an evidence-based introduction to the processes and theory of relational integrative psychotherapy in practice Presents innovative ideas that draw from a variety of traditions, including cognitive, existential-phenomenological, gestalt, psychoanalytic, systems theory, and transactional analysis Includes case studies, footnotes, ‘theory into practice’ boxes, and discussion of competing and complementary theoretical frameworks Written by an internationally acclaimed speaker and author who is also an active practitioner of relational integrative psychotherapy

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