Self-Harm and Violence. Towards Best Practice in Managing Risk in Mental Health Services

Logan Caroline

Жанр: Психология

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
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О книге "Self-Harm and Violence. Towards Best Practice in Managing Risk in Mental Health Services"

Self-Harm and Violence: Towards Best Practice in Managing Risk in Mental Health Services presents the first exploration of the most effective clinical practice techniques relating to the management of risk in mental health care settings.

Based on the Department of Health’s Best Practice in Managing Risk guidance document, which was developed over a 12-month period in consultation with a national expert advisory group Features contributions from many members of the group that drew up the Best Practice document – all leading theoreticians and practitioners in their particular fields – and embeds the principles laid out in the guidelines in real world practice Reveals how contemporary risk management is a multidisciplinary and collaborative enterprise in which practitioners from different professions need to engage with each other in order to achieve success

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