Sexual Offending. Cognition, Emotion and Motivation

Tony Ward

Жанр: Философские науки. Социология

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
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О книге "Sexual Offending. Cognition, Emotion and Motivation"

Sexual Offending presents the latest theory and research relating to the social cognition, emotion, and motivational goals of individuals who have committed sexual offences.

Explores how individuals who have committed sexual offences perceive the world and themselves, and how understanding this can inform their rehabilitation Provides a broad-based view of cognition, and explores the complex relationship between cognition, emotion and associated constructs such as motivational goals Integrates recent work on female sexual offenders alongside the literature on their male counterparts, providing researchers and practitioners with a single resource A valuable handbook for researchers, practitioners and students concerned with understanding and rehabilitating individuals who have committed sexual offences

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