Silk Is For Seduction

О книге "Silk Is For Seduction"

Seduction was a game…Marcelline Noirot has one thing on her mind when she meets the Duke of Clevedon. It’s not his heartbreaking good looks, nor his smouldering charm. She’s after his wallet and…his bride-to-be.

One of the most talented dressmakers in London, landing the Clevedon wedding dress would catapult Marcelline’s family business to fame and fortune. She’ll do whatever it takes and if that means using her feminine wiles on the Duke to get what she wants, then so be it. But losing her heart…that’s not part of the bargain.THE DRESSMAKERSSILK IS FOR SEDUCTION Book1SCANDAL WEARS SATIN Book 2VIXEN IN VELVET Book 3

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