Structure for Architects. A Primer

Structure for Architects. A Primer

Bedi Ashwani

О книге "Structure for Architects. A Primer"

An introduction to the concepts and principles of architectural structures in an easy-to-read format Written as an easy-to-understand primer on the topic, Structure for Architects engages readers through instruction that uses a highly visual

format and real-world examples to underline the key facets of structural principles that are essential to the design process. Eschewing complicated mathematics and technical jargon, Structure for Architects demystifies the subject matter by showing it in the context of everyday situations, giving architects and architectural technologists a clear understanding of how to incorporate structural principles into their designs. Highlights of this book include: A rich collection of drawings, photographs, and diagrams, spread throughout the text, which demonstrate fundamental structural concepts using everyday examples An overview of structural design basics, as well as a summary of structural forms A look at the design implications of steel, reinforced concrete, and wood By providing an overall view of structures that covers the essentials of what architects and architectural technologists need to know, Structure for Architects is a valuable tool for illustrating the importance of designing with structure in mind and for learning the basics that are necessary for collaborating confidently with project team members.

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