Surrender To the Highlander

Жанр: Историческая литература

Издательство: HarperCollins
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О книге "Surrender To the Highlander"

Torn between honour and desire…Innocent Margriet Gunnarsdottir carried a heavy secret. Facing a perilous journey to the wild and distant north of Scotland, she knew her safety lay in her adopted disguise – a nun’s habit!

But her only protector, a proud, rough-hewn Highlander, made her ache to share her crushing burden. Rurik Erengislsson had sworn to see her home unharmed.A woman promised to the service of God should be shielded and honoured – not desired! Yet Rurik was tempted beyond reason to make this beautiful waif his own.‘Expertly laced with danger and sweetened with sensuality’ – Booklist on TAMING THE HIGHLANDER

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