The Baron's Bride

Жанр: Историческая литература

Издательство: HarperCollins
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О книге "The Baron's Bride"

Gisela of Brinkhurst enjoyed managing her father's keep and had never thought much about marriage. Little did she foresee the threats to her father's lands and how marriage would ensure their survival.

Sir Alain de Treville needed a wife, and there was no better time than when the king placed him in Allestone Castle to protect the area from daring marauders. When nearby Brinkhurst was attacked, and Lady Gisela's family suffered great losses, it was time for him to insist on their union, despite the beautiful maiden's indifference to marriage.Would the brave Gisela give in to her growing love for Alain–a man who showed her every day how much he adored her?

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