The Unknown

Жанр: Фантастика

Серия: Animorphs
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О книге "The Unknown"

The Unknown is the fourteenth book in the Animorphs series, written by K.A. Applegate. It is narrated by Cassie.The front cover quote is, 'Never underestimate the power of a morph....'.

All books after The Unknown were dedicated to Applegate's son, Jake, as well as her husband and co-writer, Michael. Her son was born premature in 1997, and she worked on the Animorphs series at night, in the lobby of the hospital where he was in Neonatal Intensive Care. It is assumed that the horse featured on this cover is Minneapolis Max, and not the horse that Cassie acquired as her first morph (which would make this the fifth book to feature a cover morph that was not acquired in the book), despite not fitting Max's description.

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