Who is Lenin or the father of world communism. All about the life of V. I. Lenin

Жанр: Публицистика, Биографии и мемуары

Издательство: Издательские решения
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О книге "Who is Lenin or the father of world communism. All about the life of V. I. Lenin"

Vladimir Lenin is the great leader of the working people of the whole world, who is considered the most outstanding politician in world history, who created the first socialist state.

The Russian communist philosopher-theoretician, who continued the work of Marx and Engels, whose activity was widely deployed in the early 20th century, is still of interest to the public today, as its historical role is not only significant for Russia, but for the whole world. Lenin’s activities have both…

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Отзывы читателей

  • I
    13 дек 2020

    This book is false. Lenin was not a human, he was a Satanist. Communists did not make any country, any people in the world happy. Communists are animals. They brought people only tears, fear and grief.

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