Women in Culture. An Intersectional Anthology for Gender and Women's Studies

Anne Donadey

Жанр: Философские науки. Социология

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
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О книге "Women in Culture. An Intersectional Anthology for Gender and Women's Studies"

The thoroughly revised Women in Culture 2/e explores the intersections of gender, race, sexuality, gender identity, and spirituality from the perspectives of diverse global locations.

Its strong humanities content, including illustrations and creative writing, uniquely embraces the creative aspects of the field. Each of the ten thematic chapters lead to creative readings, introducing a more Readings throughout the text encourage intersectional thinking amongst students humanistic angle than is typical of textbooks in the field This textbook is queer inclusive and allows students to engage with postcolonial/decolonial thinking, spirituality, and reproductive/environmental justice A detailed timeline of feminist history, criticism and theory is provided, and the glossary encourages the development of critical vocabulary A variety of illustrations supplement the written materials, and an accompanying website offers instructors pedagogical resources

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