A Little Texas Two-Step

A Little Texas Two-Step

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О книге "A Little Texas Two-Step"

BACHELOR BEWARE! Hank Braden prided himself on being the most confirmed dating bachelor in Temptation, Texas. So when the men in town advertised for women, he was there to welcome them with bad-boy good looks, a smile that would melt chocolate and lines smoother than black ice on the Texas byways. But marry one – no way!The moment Leighanna Farrow walked into his juke joint, Hank knew the reason God had created single women! But Leighanna hadn't come into town to be somebody's «girl,» and she wasn't easily swayed by Hank's tempting ways. It seemed the only chance Hank had of getting Leighanna was – getting hitched!TROUBLE IN TEXAS… . When Temptation beckons, three rugged cowboys lose their hearts.

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