A Separate War and Other Stories

A Separate War and Other Stories


Жанр: Фантастика, Научная фантастика

Год издания: 2007
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О книге "A Separate War and Other Stories"

Here are fifteen stories-never before collected- spanning 36 years of Joe Haldeman's award-winning writing...tales that tread upon familiar Haldeman territory, as well as explore the outer reaches of his phenomenal imagination. 

From the first short story Haldeman ever sold, "Out of Phase," to "A Separate War," which revisits a character from his classic novel The Forever War, to his personal favorite, "For White Hill," based on a Shakespeare sonnet, this collection will take readers on a journey through a writer's growth from struggling artist to one of the premier voices of his generation. And notes on the stories at the end of the volume gives first-hand insight into the wit and wisdom that went into each of Haldeman's works.

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