About That Night...

About That Night...

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О книге "About That Night..."

The plan is simple.Julienne Blake will use self-hypnosis until she's discovered the sexy woman inside, then she'll seduce Nick Fairfax during an unforgettable night. And with a tantalizing performance for an audience of one, she does just that. But her sensual plan seems to have worked just a little too well, because Nick is begging for a return engagement.Nick has never met a woman who could capture his attention so completely as Julienne has. Her risque moves have him pursuing her all over sultry Savannah just to be alone with her. But he's not a long-term kind of guy, so his desire to extend this passionate affair has him completely baffled. Somehow he has to convince her there's more than that night between them….

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    Демон в беде, или Как избавиться от ведьмы?
    Демон в беде, или Как избавиться от ведьмы?
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