An Introduction to Bioreactor Hydrodynamics and Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer

An Introduction to Bioreactor Hydrodynamics and Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer

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О книге "An Introduction to Bioreactor Hydrodynamics and Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer"

Reviews and compares the major types of bioreactors, defines their pros and cons, and identifies research needs and figures of merit that have yet to be addressed Describes common modes of operation in bioreactors Covers the three common bioreactor types, including stirred-tank bioreactors, bubble column bioreactors, and airlift bioreactors Details less common bioreactors types, including fixed bed bioreactors and novel bioreactor designs Discusses advantages and disadvantages of each bioreactor and provides a procedure for optimal bioreactor selection based on current process needs Reviews the problems of bioreactor selection globally while considering all bioreactor options rather than concentrating on one specific bioreactor type

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