Audel Automated Machines and Toolmaking

Audel Automated Machines and Toolmaking

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О книге "Audel Automated Machines and Toolmaking"

Master today's toolmaking equipment Here, fully updated to include new machines and electronic and digital controls, is the ultimate guide to automated machines and toolmaking. Whether you're a professional machinist, an apprentice, or a trade student, this fully illustrated volume helps you work with metal-safely, precisely, efficiently-using today's tools and techniques. It's packed with review questions for students, and loaded with answers you need on the job. * Understand automated machine fundamentals and work with jigs and fixtures * Learn the basics of spiral and helix milling, gear cutting, and cam machining * Discover how to cut, punch, or shape a die with minimum waste * Master the operations of today's grinders and lapping machines * Find out all about toolmaking, from allowances and tolerances to layouts and master plates * Follow the clear, step-by-step illustrations to gain a hands-on knowledge of techniques and procedures

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