Audel Practical Electricity

Audel Practical Electricity

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О книге "Audel Practical Electricity"

Everything begins with the basics To succeed in any of today's electrical specialties, you must first understand the fundamentals. This concise guidebook, fully updated and revised to comply with the National Electrical Code,? provides that solid foundation in electrical theory, circuitry, and common applications. Whether you're pursuing an electrical career, need a refresher course, or simply want to understand the wiring in your home, you'll learn the basics from this book. * Examine the fundamentals of magnetism and electric-ity, conductors, insulators, and circuits * Study common applications including house wiring, lighting, cables, electric heating, and generating * Become familiar with test procedures and electromagnetic induction * Understand inductive and capacitive AC circuits and the principles of alternating current * Explore alarm and intercom wiring, home circuiting, and multiple switching * Find out how generating stations and substations function * Learn from clear, specific text, functional illustrations, and review questions in every chapter

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