Captain Anger Adventure #1 The Microbotic Menace

Captain Anger Adventure #1 The Microbotic Menace

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О книге "Captain Anger Adventure #1 The Microbotic Menace"

Working in secrecy at the Anger Institute, Cap and his six fellow adventurers monitor the planet watching for the next madman bent on world conquest. This time, a crazed scientist unleashes the ultimate terror: billions of microscopic robots programmed for destruction. As Captain Richard Anger races to find a cure for the silver-liquid death, he pilots his sea-going superjet to a mysterious island of strange metallic mountains and steel-clad shores. There he and his hard-fighting companions--Rock, Leila, Tex, and Sun Ra--must use their wits and their weapons of super-science to stop the insane genius Dandridge before he tears the earth apart.

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