Deadly Reunion

Deadly Reunion

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О книге "Deadly Reunion"

When Lindsay Hollis's brother died, so did her passionate, whirlwind marriage to bounty hunter Ike Walker, the man she held responsible. Now nearly two years later, Ike was back, determined to prove once and for all that he wasn't to blame–and Lindsay was damn well going to help him do it.Bringing a killer to justice meant working closely with the man she thought was in her past–and risking the comfortable, safe life she'd struggled to build. But like the criminal who'd targeted her brother, the deep-rooted desire Ike could always evoke refused to stay buried.This could be Lindsay's second chance at love…. If she lived long enough.

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    Демон в беде, или Как избавиться от ведьмы?
    Демон в беде, или Как избавиться от ведьмы?
    Иринья Коняева,Татьяна Серганова

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