Fundraising with The Raiser's Edge. A Non-Technical Guide

Fundraising with The Raiser's Edge. A Non-Technical Guide

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О книге "Fundraising with The Raiser's Edge. A Non-Technical Guide"

A non-technical guide to The Raiser's Edge-the most widely-used fundraising database package on the market-for the fundraising professional The first-ever guide to The Raiser's Edge database package for the fundraising professional, Fundraising with The Raiser's Edge: A Non-Technical Guide educates your nonprofit about what The Raiser's Edge can do for you and will help you more effectively work with the staff who are responsible for data entry and output. Helps your organization get much greater return on The Raiser's Edge, and use it to raise more money more effectively and with less stress Contains specific and clear direction on the key areas you should know without technical discussion Includes numerous checklists to give you practical takeaways Providing you with the non-technical details you need to know to recruit, manage and retain quality database personnel, Fundraising with The Raiser's Edge: A Non-Technical Guide will help you in your day-to-day fundraising work without needing to become a database expert.

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