Heart Of A Lawman

Heart Of A Lawman

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О книге "Heart Of A Lawman"

The Quarrels boys are back in town to save the family homestead and make peace with each other. But will a hidden danger threaten all they hold dear?A WOMAN WORTH FIGHTING FORA shattering tragedy sent Bart Quarrels back to his ailing father's bedside. But being home brought little peace to the lawman, for there was something wrong at the family ranch–something the beautiful new horse wrangler wasn't telling him…Josie's past was a mystery, even to her. All she knew was that someone was after her–someone on the ranch. But Josie's missing memory didn't prevent her from falling hard for Bart, a man who made her feel safe. Protected. Cherished. Would Bart be able to protect her from the past that haunted her dreams–and threatened her future with him?

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    Демон в беде, или Как избавиться от ведьмы?
    Демон в беде, или Как избавиться от ведьмы?
    Иринья Коняева,Татьяна Серганова

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