His, Hers and...Theirs?

His, Hers and...Theirs?

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О книге "His, Hers and...Theirs?"

Eva Galindo's dream of being a mother was about to come true–twice over. The Brighton Valley biologist wasn't just having a baby…she was expecting twins! Meeting single father of twins Dan Walker seemed like the sweetest twist of fate. How could she not offer to help out the gorgeous Texas rancher–by being temporary mommy to his own adorable pair?Suddenly becoming guardian of his orphaned niece and nephew was a tall order for any man. But Dan couldn't think of a better stand-in nanny than the sloe-eyed mother-in-training. Only, now he didn't want Eva to leave. Maybe it was time to take a chance on both their futures by combining forces and turning two into one big, loving family….

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