Kick-Start Your Class. Academic Icebreakers to Engage Students

Kick-Start Your Class. Academic Icebreakers to Engage Students

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О книге "Kick-Start Your Class. Academic Icebreakers to Engage Students"

The New York Times bestseller author of Dangerous Minds has a new way to engage students LouAnne Johnson's newest book is a collection of fun and simple educational icebreaker activities that get students excited and engaged from the very first minute of class. These activities are great to use with students at all levels, and many of the activities include variations and modifications for different groups. Research has shown that the use of icebreakers increases student motivation by creating an emotional connection between the student and school. In as little as five minutes, a creative icebreaker can engage students' brains, encourage critical thinking, and much more. Includes a fun-filled collection of icebreakers that get students thinking and keeps them engaged Written by LouAnne Johnson, a teacher and acclaimed author of eight books Contains ideas for promoting creativity, unifying the classroom community, preventing disruptive behavior, and creating positive attitudes towards school and learning No matter what your students' age group this book will give you the tools you need to create a classroom environment that promotes learning.

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