Kidnapped: His Innocent Mistress

Kidnapped: His Innocent Mistress

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О книге "Kidnapped: His Innocent Mistress"

If I accept his offer to be his mistress, I could have the finest silks, the best carriage and be transformed from ugly duckling to a pampered, pretty swan!And although I would feel a virtuous pride in turning down the wicked rake, I also have an unmaidenly interest in exactly what the role would entail. . . .Catriona is doing her best to resist the skillful seduction of the scandalous heir to the Earl of Strathconan. But kidnapped and shipwrecked with only this rake as company, her adventure has just begun. . . .

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    Княжна. Тихоня. Прачка
    Княжна. Тихоня. Прачка
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