Mcqueen's Heat

Mcqueen's Heat

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О книге "Mcqueen's Heat"

FIVE-ALARM BLAZEHaving been to hell and back, investigator Stone McQueen knew he had nothing to lose when he raced into a burning building to save a small child. But he was dead wrong. For the fire was set by the same arsonist who had destroyed his career seven years ago. And in a bizarre twist, he found himself reunited at the scene with the only woman who had ever mattered to him–Tamara King. A woman he now had to protect from the elusive fire starter.As Tamara and Stone joined forces, their passion ignited into an all-consuming blaze. And soon Stone couldn't figure out what was more dangerous–the arsonist whose crimes were turning increasingly personal or the secret he'd kept from Tamara that could destroy this second chance….

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    Корецкий Данил Аркадьевич

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