Mctavish And Twins

Mctavish And Twins

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О книге "Mctavish And Twins"

KIDS & KISSESShe was surely just a gold digger?Why else would Erin O'Connell come back to Australia to live with her grandfather? Mike McTavish was convinced she was only out for what she could get–but when he saw Erin handle his orphaned twin niece and nephew so tenderly, he began to doubt his own conclusions, particularly when he compared Erin with his fiancée, Caroline.Mike wasn't so sure Caroline really cared for the children, who definitely didn't care for her. But having committed himself to the engagement, how could he back out honorably? Even if not to do so would mean heartache for himself, Erin and the children….From the author of McAllister's BabyWhere kids and kisses go hand in hand

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    Корецкий Данил Аркадьевич

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