Neuro–Linguistic Programming: Volume I. The Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience

Neuro–Linguistic Programming: Volume I. The Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience


Жанр: Психология

Год издания: 1980
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О книге "Neuro–Linguistic Programming: Volume I. The Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience"

There comes a time when it is both useful, and appropriate, for the purpose of continuing to expand our understanding of the universe we live in, for entirely new fields of study to be created. Separating new from old, exceptions from rules, and useful from previously unquestionable. So learning and experiences from entirely divergent fields have the opportunity to combine knowledge and experience into configurations that allow further growth, understanding, and impact upon ourselves as a species. It is in this way that neuro-linguistic programming came into being. We wish at this point to separate our NLP from the many fields from which it draws information, from the many fields for which it has application. And in this way have greater clarity and freedom to delineate NLP's own methodologies and basic purpose.

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