Rings of Gold: Gold Ring of Betrayal / The Marriage Surrender / The Unforgettable Husband

Rings of Gold: Gold Ring of Betrayal / The Marriage Surrender / The Unforgettable Husband

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О книге "Rings of Gold: Gold Ring of Betrayal / The Marriage Surrender / The Unforgettable Husband"

Rings Nicolas Santino believes baby Lia was the result of his separated wife Sara’s betrayal. Now, Lia has been kidnapped! Nicolas knows only he can secure the little girl’s safe return… Then he learns that after three long years apart, Sara still wears his ring… that Joanna knew she could never give Alessandro Bonetti what he really needed, so she walked out on their marriage.Now, Alessandro demands she returns to his bed, as his wife, in return for his help. But what will happen when he discovers her secret? Bind… Samantha has been existing with no memory of her previous life. But when a dark, stunningly handsome Italian walks in, she faints!Sam’s past is about to be revealed… Could this brooding stranger really be her husband?

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