Science: discoveries and progress. Proceedings of articles the international scientific conference. Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary – Russia, Moscow, 27-28 October 2016

Science: discoveries and progress. Proceedings of articles the international scientific conference. Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary – Russia, Moscow, 27-28 October 2016


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О книге "Science: discoveries and progress. Proceedings of articles the international scientific conference. Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary – Russia, Moscow, 27-28 October 2016"

Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science: discoveries and progress», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 27-28 October 2016. The main objective of the conference – the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Kyrgyzstan, Russia. International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.

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