Secret Agent Minister

Secret Agent Minister

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О книге "Secret Agent Minister"

The minister of Lydia Cantrell's dreams had another calling.As his secretary, she knew the church members adored him. But she was shocked to discover Pastor Malone's past as a Christian secret agent. Her shock turned to disbelief when he revealed he'd made some enemies– and that he and Lydia were in danger.As the kind, gentle pastor started leading her around corners and through dark alleys, Lydia wondered how she'd get through this. Sure, the stakes were high– and then there was the fact that she was head over heels in love with her secret agent minister.

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    Демон в беде, или Как избавиться от ведьмы?
    Демон в беде, или Как избавиться от ведьмы?
    Иринья Коняева,Татьяна Серганова

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