The Captain's Courtesan

The Captain's Courtesan

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О книге "The Captain's Courtesan"

THE SECRETS BENEATH HER SMILE… Determined to seek out the villain who destroyed her family, Rosalie Rowland masquerades as a courtesan at London’s infamous Temple of Beauty. But when she revels in her alter ego a little too willingly Captain Alec Stewart’s potent masculinity proves impossible to resist…Alec is as much a stranger to the brothel as he is to the feelings that Rosalie incites within him. The passion between them may be unquestionably real, but having met under the guise of secrets and seductions how can they be sure where the lies end and the truth begins…?

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    Демон в беде, или Как избавиться от ведьмы?
    Демон в беде, или Как избавиться от ведьмы?
    Иринья Коняева,Татьяна Серганова

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