The Controller's Function. The Work of the Managerial Accountant

The Controller's Function. The Work of the Managerial Accountant

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О книге "The Controller's Function. The Work of the Managerial Accountant"

The go-to resource managerial accountants can turn to for sustaining their company's competitive advantage From flex budgeting to detailing the more sophisticated skills like throughput analysis for capital investments and the fast close for public companies, The Controller's Function, Fourth Edition offers numerous real-world examples, expertly balancing both the technical and managerial sides of the job. Provides an overview of the functions and responsibilities of the controller/management accountant in a corporation Explores how controllers can better perform their jobs Offers a solid foundation for those who are new to this area Comprehensive and practical, this book fully defines the role, functions and responsibilities of the managerial accountant in a corporation.

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