The Wettest County in the World

The Wettest County in the World

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Жанр: Проза

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О книге "The Wettest County in the World"

Matt Bondurant - The Wettest County in the World: A Novel Based on a True Story (2008) The Wettest County in the World is a 2008 historical novel by Matt Bondurant, an American writer who features his grandfather and two great-uncles as the main characters in the novel. The book tells of the trio during the Depression and Prohibition in rural Virginia, who made a living bootlegging moonshine. The novel is told from both the perspectives of the three Bondurant brothers, mainly focusing on the youngest, Jack, and that of the writer Sherwood Anderson. He described Franklin County in that period as the 'wettest county in the world' while working there as a journalist during Prohibition. The 2012 film Lawless, directed by John Hillcoat, is based on the book with a screenplay by Nick Cave.

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