The Wreck of the Titan Or Futility

The Wreck of the Titan Or Futility

13 оценок

Жанр: Проза, Классическая проза

Год издания: 1912
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О книге "The Wreck of the Titan Or Futility"

Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan is a novel which was originally written and published in 1898 by Morgan Robertson. This novel is the story of an ocean liner, called the Titan, which sinks in the North Atlantic ocean after hitting an iceberg.There are many similarities between this novel and the facts in the sinking of the Titanic fourteen years later.Morgan Robertson revised his work in 1912 after the sinking of the Titanic and made the ship larger as well as changing the ending of the story.“...Exciting marine adventure that apparently predicted Titanic disaster 14 years before it actually had happened. 14 years before Titanic gone down this book predicted it to the very smallest technical details (number of propellers, number of funnels, size, tonnage, engine size, number of passengers, etc., etc., etc.). The only differences were: the name was Titan and not Titanic, 3rd and not the 1st Atlantic crossing and it collided with iceberg on the return way from America...”

Произведение относится к жанру Проза. Оно было опубликовано в 1912 году издательством McClure's Magazine and Metropolitan Magazine. The Quinn & Boden Co. Press. На нашем сайте можно скачать бесплатно книгу "The Wreck of the Titan Or Futility" в формате epub, fb2 или читать онлайн. Рейтинг книги составляет 4.1 из 5. Здесь так же можно перед прочтением обратиться к отзывам читателей, уже знакомых с книгой, и узнать их мнение. В интернет-магазине нашего партнера вы можете купить и прочитать книгу в бумажном варианте.

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