Wife For Real

Wife For Real

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О книге "Wife For Real"

Did she dare become his wife for real?Katherine's marriage seems perfect. Her husband, Jordan, is handsome, charming and wealthy–and their home idyllic. However, in reality, theirs is a marriage of convenience. Katherine has been happy to accept this–it's easy, comfortable and suits her needs. Now, one year into their arrangement, Katherine's peace of mind is shattered when Jordan demands that they be married in every sense.Dare Katherine agree? After all, it is not as if she hasn't wanted Jordan in ever sense. She simply has to face her memories of their wedding night and come to terms with her own all too «real» needs.

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    Демон в беде, или Как избавиться от ведьмы?
    Демон в беде, или Как избавиться от ведьмы?
    Иринья Коняева,Татьяна Серганова

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